Final thesis

  • General information
    Each student must write a final thesis during their studies. The student can choose a topic of the final thesis according to their interests and in compliance with their field of study. He/she consults the intention with a potential supervisor, who can specify the topic more, accept it or turn it down.     
  • How to choose the topic for a BP/DP
    Agree with the planned supervisor of your thesis on the provisional topic according to your interests. On the basis of this provisional agreement either sign up for a topic already offered by the teacher in the package of topics or suggest your own topic. Technically, it is possible in the IS that your supervisor fills in the topic, but it is not his/her duty and the student has no right to demand it.
  • How to choose a topic in the package
    Complete the topic in the package at the department at which you are writing the thesis. You will find the procedure in the Help with the IS.
  • Where to post the PROJECT OF BP/DP?
    The project is filled in in the box “Official assignment“ in your topic. The instructions on editing the topic can be found in the Help with the IS.
  • When and where do I post an annotation and key words?
    The annotation and key words are entered only into the archives of final thesis. You will enter them into boxes determined for this purpose and the IS will generate text documents out of them by itself. These text documents will not be uploaded into the archives (you are not to upload them as a file into the archives).
  • By what date do I have to fill in the final title in the topic?
    The final title in Czech and English must be filled in in your topic by 20 March (inclusive) if you submit your thesis in the spring semester, or by 10 November (inclusive) if you submit your thesis in the autumn semester (after this date, the current information will be transferred from the topic into the archives of the thesis, which will become available to the student for uploading the thesis). Be careful! Later updates of the topic will not appear in the archives.
  • How should I update the title, add an English title of the topic and so on?
    For instructions about editing the topic see Help with the IS.
  • By when and to whom do I have to submit the thesis?
    Submit the thesis in print to the department (according to the individual departments´ instructions) and its electronic version is downloaded to the IS. Both versions (printed and electronic) must be identical. It will be possible to upload your thesis in the Information System only after the clerk copies the topic into the archives, i.e. about
    25 March if you submit the thesis in the spring semester or around 15 November if you submit your thesis in the autumn semester. You must upload the thesis into the IS by 20 April (if you submit the thesis in the spring semester) or by 10 December (if you submit the thesis in the autumn semester). Be prepared for the fact that most students submit their theses at the last moment and the system is overloaded, so it takes longer to upload the thesis.

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