
  • How is a request submitted?
    Some requests are filed through the Information System, other must be sent by post to the Study Department on a printed form.     
  • Where will I find request forms?
    On the web of PdF.
  • Which requests are submitted through the IS?
    • Request for enrolment in the next semester – the request is submitted in the period determined for this, see the Schedule. Guidelines for filing a request are in Help with the IS.
    • Request for permission not to repeat an elective course – it is submitted in the examination period of the semester in which the course has been enrolled. Guidelines for filing a request are in Help with the IS.
    • Request for an exception from enrolment – it is submitted in the period of Enrolment and Changes in Enrolment, see the Schedule. Guidelines for filing a request are in Help with the IS.
  • Which requests are submitted in print to the Study Department?
    • Request for interruption of studydownload the form on the website of the Faculty of Education, fill it in and submit to the clerk. If you interrupt during the examination period, according to the Study and Examination Rules (SZR) you must meet the conditions of passing to the next semester before interrupting your study.
    • Return after interruption – report return after interruption to your study clerk using the form Report on re-enrolment in study after interruption.
    • Request for recognition of courses – according to SZR, it is possible to recognize parts of previously completed study. When making the request, follow this procedure:
      1.) In the periods of registration, enrolment or changes in enrolment register for courses which you want to have recognized. Do not worry if the code has not changed and the course cannot be enrolled in – the registration will be red and an error notice will pop up saying that the course was successfully completed in the past – this is correct.
      2.) Download the form on the website of PdF and fill it in.
      3.)  For students of full-time mode:  Go to the department with a completed form, have the department´s recommendation filled in and submit the completely filled-in form to your study clerk.
      For students of combined mode: Submit the form to your study clerk (for students of a combined form of study the statement of the department is ensured by the study clerk).
    • Request for an exception from the Study and Examination Rules (SZR) – if you request any exception from the SZR, your request is assessed by the Vice-Dean for study affairs and s/he will consider if s/he approves of the request. The legal deadline for handling a request is 30 days, but we usually manage to process a request faster. If you do not receive any reaction to your request from the Study Department within 30 days, contact your clerk.
      How to submit a request:
      Download the form Request | Universal form, fill it in (state all circumstances briefly and clearly) and submit it to the Study Department along with relevant documents (e.g. a doctor´s certificate if the reason for request is an illness etc.).
      To whom and where exactly shall I submit the written request for an exception from the SZR:
      There are several places where you can submit the form, but you should choose just one; you can send it by post to the Study Department´s address, put it in the letterbox of the Study Department in Poříčí 7/9, submit it in office hours to Mrs Mejzlíková or to your clerk. The Study Department assigns the request a reference number and passes it to the Vice-Dean to consider.
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